Effects of Social Media on Communication, Culture,
Personal Relations and Private Life in Zambia
Katele Kalumba
Social media has become
an instrument of social transformation. Social media refers to “websites and
applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in
social networking” (www.oxforddictionaries.com,
undated). Ivy Wigmore, in an article posted by Margaret Rouse (www.whatis.com,
July 2014), adds that “Social media is the collective of online communications
channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content sharing and
collaboration” through “forums, micro-blogging, social networking, social
bookmarking, social curation and wikis”. Each of these terms denote certain
activities that take place on social media with specific significance on
communication, culture, personal relations and private life in Zambia.
If one studied all the
major websites whose examples include
Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Reddit and Pinterest, and
to which the concept of social media may be closely applied, we realize that we
are dealing with a complex field of
human living that could be constructed in myriad ways. The technology, upon
which this social media rests, is not value neutral. We need to understand its
fundamental elements and their impact upon modern living under the new digital
culture in Zambia.
Social media however
understood, is unarguably a product of what many experts in the electronic
sector would dub as a “digital revolution”. From a scientific perspective, all
such revolutions, including political ones, start with the basic question:
“Does it have to be this way?”
From the 1960s
self-actualization movements with their emphasis on “connecting with one’s
inner self”, emerged a 21st century individuation and progressively, a broad
search for meaning in life and knowledge of other cultures. By 1993, when the
World Wide Web came into being, the disconnectedness of life had become too
much to bear. People needed new ways of connecting not just to self, but to
others (William J. Mitchell (1999:12).
The reproduction of the New “Post-Corporate Society” (Korten, David C.,
1999) required penetrative capacity for a new “global” social system reproduction
based on at least four factors. The first is the means of access actors have to
knowledge in virtue of their location. The second involve the modes of
articulation of knowledge. The third are the circumstances relating to the
validity of the belief claims taken as “knowledge” (a sort of vision of a new
global village). And the fourth are those factors to do with the means of
dissemination of available knowledge. The Silicon Valley provided all these
conditions to the world through a spark ignited by the World Wide Web.
The bounded nature of
physical space, forced the need to create “virtual communities” such as those
on Facebook. In these spaces, “persons” interact with the presumption of
intimate knowing of each other. And yet, we know, as marketing chat rooms
reveal, the “John” who enters the chat room to answer your questions about
buying a used Japanese car, is a robot! The human experience of communication
has changed. Two separately married people in the same room with others can
have a private and intimate conversation on Chat or Whatsapp, which may be in
violation of sexual and fidelity norms
of our Zambian society.
Social media is big
business in Zambia’s digital revolution. It started with the University of
Zambia’s sponsored Zamnet Ltd as an internet provider around 1994. The
ingredients of this ‘incendiary brew’, as described by Mitchell, include
“digital information storage, transmission, networking, and processing
hardware, together with the associated software and interface capabilities”
(Mitchell, 1999:13). Mitchell says, the key element in this digital revolution
which is information “has become dematerialized and disembodied; it is now
whizzing round the world at warp speed, and in cortex–crackling quantities,
through computer networks” (Mitchell, 1999:13). In Zambia, experts have emerged
in this industry who were never there before to harness this digital technology
as IT (Information Technology) business.
Indeed, the
dematerialization and disembodiment of information, has led to the emasculation
of identities of the users of this information. We can illustrate this by
studying the changing profiles of users of Facebook and LinkedIn. The same
person can take two quite different descriptions. Fr. Jonah Lynch and Michelle
K. Boras (2012) in a book entitled, Technology
and New Evangelization Criteria for Discernment (p7-11) touch upon this
point. They observe that in the digital world, “we become what we think, what
we see, what we read and what we do”. In Mitchell’s vision of what he
calls “E-Topia”, he challenges us to think
of brains in this digital world “as a kernel surrounded by successive
electronic shells operating as sensory organs, to transfer information back and
forth across the carbon silicon” ( Mitchell, 200:66). Smart phones, now in
vogue in Zambia and other “wear ware”, have transformed us into bodynets of
information storage and retrieval. With the use of “touch or swipe” gadgets
including cellular tablets, you can copy information with your finger by
touching the sentence, word or phrase and paste it by pressing the same finger
on another section or page in the same
application even two days or so later. That information is retrievable as bits
from our own bodies.
More Zambians are
imaging themselves according to the mores projected on social network communities
to which they belong. This has profound
impact on culture, the invisible organizing fields of society. Language forms,
used on these social media platforms apply new codes of signification. These
are filtering through everyday language of the young generation with
significant impact on human communication and cultural behavior (Korten,
1999:33, Lynch and Boras, 2012).
Our digital experience
through which we are “wired” together by platforms such as social media, is an
imaged world which can modify us, for better and for worse, creating or
strengthening new social connections, weakening or eliminating others (like in
“unfriending” someone on Facebook). Social media form us in “the image of our
actions, thoughts, desires, and tools” (Lynch and Boras, 2012:11).
Dating on social media
with “friends” we encounter while surfing the Web is common in Zambia. There
have been stories of Zambian women travelling to meet their Facebook dates in
Europe who looked like film stars on “profiles” just to find wheel-chaired,
funny looking nerds!
Privacy, that feature
constructed by the physiognomy of space (Hall, T., Edward, 1969) has been
fractured by gadgets like Smartphones which both reveal your location and do
more. This information is retrievable. States big and small, like corporations,
are busy tapping into this cyber world for multiple reasons from marketing to
tracking terrorism. A sort of colonization of mass culture is taking place.
Privacy on a social media platform like Facebook is technically untenable.
In conclusion, social
media, so indispensable to our lives now, dictates its own language form or
codes. Competent users easily adopt this digital jargon. Most messages are in
codes. In this practice, a kind of secrecy is maintained in relationships which
breakdown the mores of social control that for instance, parents exercised over
friends of their children. This transformation of family relations has
far-reaching cultural implications including, alas, communication which social
media is supposed to celebrate.
Culture, that invisible
organizing field of society is being so dramatically reconfigured that we
become fast communicators of low quality information to our social media
friends or communities. As easily as we can connect with these communities, we
can also disconnect or “unfriend” them. The concept of intimacy in human
“friending” has been disfigured by the absence of co-presencing in human
interaction (Giddens, 1984:64; Goffman, E., 1959:1) As Giddens writes, “The
social characteristics of co-presence are anchored in the spatiality of the
body, in orientation to others and to the experiencing self” (Gideens,1984:64).
In virtual communities created by social media, space has been fractured into
digital broadband. We enter into Chat rooms with another person whose body
language we cannot read. Consequently, because language is beyond the written
sign, the meaning of our communication is gravely syncopated. The “general
text” of social media is “virtual reality”, imaged truth only understood
perhaps by interactionists thinkers like Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, the
authors of The Construction of Reality
(1967) and by Derridian students of Deconstruction (Culler, J. 1982). The human
need for real communion as Lynch and Boras (2012) observe, is sabotaged or
rather modified. In today’s world, we need many friends
with whom we share less of us.
Berger, P., and
Luckmann, T. (1967). The Social
Construction of Reality. New York: Doubleday/Anchor.
Culler, J., (1982). On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism
after Structuralism. London: Routledge and Keegan Paul.
Giddens, A., (1984). The Constitution of Society. Berkeley
and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Goffman, E., (1959). The Presentation Self in Everyday Life. New
York: Doubleday.
Hall, T. E., (1969) The Hidden Dimension. New York: Anchor
Korten, David C.,
(1999). The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism. San Francisco:
Berret-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Lynch, J., and M.K.
Boras (2012) Technology and the New
Evangelization: Criteria for Discernment. San Francisco: Knights of
Mitchell, J. M.,
(1999). E-Topia: “Urban Life, Jim-but not
as we know it”. London: The MIT Press.
Oxford Dictionaries
(undated). Social media. http:// www.oxforddictionaries.com,
retrieved, January 28, 2015.
Rouse, M., (2014). Social media, Wigmore I., (ed).
http://www.whatis.com, (posted July 2014) retrieved Jan 28, 2015.
Chiengi, January 2015
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